Monday, May 15, 2006

A Place Called Forever

Time is a room in a place called Forever.

We live in that room.

Eternity is outside and all around us. Four walls, a floor and a roof hide Forever from view.

But something has punched a hole in the wall of this room called Time. God has installed a window.

Look through that window. Always look through that window, and let the great outdoors called Forever give perspective to all that happens in these cramped quarters we call Time. Then pause and thank the Builder for flooding your life with light.

* * * * *

Time is a room in a place called Forever.

We live in that room.

But one day, and soon, I suspect, the roof will fly off, the walls will fall, the floor will dissolve beneath our feet. Time will be consumed by the Eternity that has always surrounded it.

What will we do with the sudden brightness and the brisk winds that blow across Forever?

I imagine some will wither under that sun, shrivel up and blow away.

Others will be only warmed and invigorated, as if truly alive for the first time.

© 2005

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim, this is Carrie M. I stop by your sight occasionally but hadn't visited for a while. I should do so more often because your writing is amazing. Thank you for sharing it. It is like taking a fresh breath. It reinforces a new understanding that I am not a mistake and God really does love understanding that is fresh for me in the past year or so. Blessings....