Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Breath of God

There is a reason they call him "The Wind," or "The Breath of God." He fills the earth and there is no vacuum. He stris, he rustles, and things happen. He breathes and we live or die. He settles smooth over life like air settles thick and full over fields, mountains, streams and cities. He gusts and blows and nations topple or habits break or someone changes her mind about God.

He is the Holy Spirit.

I call him "The Wind" -- "The Breath of God" -- because in the languages of both Old and New Testaments the word for "wind" or "breath" is identical to the word for "spirit." What is spirit? It is wind, breeze, the breath of life.

So I picture God's Spirit as "the wind," covering the earth, carrying the goodness of God on its breezes. It fills everything, touches everything, reaches everyone. It is everywhere and inescapable. I picture God's Spirit as "The Breath of God." Without him, life suffocates.

The imagery of God's Spirit as wind and breath is apt. We might try to close ourselves off from him, slam the door and close the windows against his breezes. But there always seems to be a draft under the door, reminding us of his presence and his patient but persistent desire to enter our stale and stuffy lives. Those who are wise not only throw open the door, but also inhale deeply.

© 2005

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