Thursday, May 25, 2006

Assembling the Puzzle of Joy

You open the box and empty its contents on the table. There, before you, are hundreds of individual pieces that, when fitted together, will create something that makes sense. A complete picture. You pick up individual pieces, look at them from different angles, and try your best to fit them together with other pieces. Slowly, the project takes shape, as you compare the puzzle on the table with the picture on the box -- your only guide to what the puzzle is to become.

Your life is such a project. In time, hundreds -- thousands -- of individual details will somehow fit together. When the puzzle is at least complete, you will be satisfied with the result. Until then, the process of figuring out the place of each piece can be annoying, a seemingly endless trial of your patience.

The encouraging difference between these two puzzles is this: The puzzle that is your life, God is assembling. Each individual piece -- whether hardship or happiness -- God will fit together with flawless skill. When the process is complete, your life will perfectly match the picture in his mind -- the precise image of what you can become.

© 2005

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