Thursday, June 12, 2008

The One Great Thing God Wants

If I knew the one thing God most desired of me, would I do it? I must pause before I answer. It may be difficult. It may even be painful. It may be the one thing I least desire right now. If my heart is not right, my perspective foggy, I may not desire the best things.

Is it any wonder God reveals his will gradually?

He allows us time to catch up to him. He is patient as our perspective grows and our understanding deepens.

In truth, there is nothing so terrifying about God’s will. God’s will is that we love him. Because of who he is, that is as natural as breathing. He has loved us unselfishly and sacrificed himself for us even to the point of unimaginable pain. That kind of love prompts us to love him in return.

Something miraculous happens when we fall in love with God. It becomes our aspiration to be like him. This one passion drives us, because we know it is right and good. Our confidence in him deepens. We know we can safely trust ourselves and our plans to his care, and that in doing so, we will be free from disappointment.

What is God’s will? The one great thing he wants? It’s you.

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