Friday, July 29, 2005

The Smile on the Face of God

We each have the power to put a smile on the face of God.
Here's how.

It's truly remarkable to think that God could look at us and be pleased by what he sees. We know our weaknesses; he knows them in infinitely greater detail. How can we please God? We have a hard enough time pleasing ourselves. When he looks at us, what could he possibly see that would put a smile on his face?

We may already know.

Suppose we each complete this phrase: "God would be pleased if I were less ..." Less what? What is there in my life today that should not be there?

Or this: "God would be pleased if I were more ..." More what? What are the good things about me that ought to increase.

When we read Scripture and listen to our conscience, we get a fairly accurate image of what we are, a clear reflection of what we can become. The mirror only fogs over when we are hypocritical, when we tell ourselves how good we are, yet go on hurting others and hurting ourselves.

© 2005

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