Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Today Is a Blank Page

The page is empty. Well, it was. Sitting there with its blank expression, just daring me -- daring me to write something, anything, across its face.

I think that blank page knew something about me, something I also know about myself. I'd rather leave the page empty than write empty words -- sentences without meaning.

Today is a blank page, standing before me as if to say, "Go ahead! Write something across the facec of this day. But write something that matters. Write something with you life that will change today, that will make it somehow better."

Touch a life with kindness.

Inhale wonder.

Throw your arms wide open and embrace God's surprises.

Do something! Something that matters. Write today! Write it with your breath, your blood, your mind, your feeling, your eyes, your heart, your hands.

Lift your pen, your life. Breathe! Create!

© 2005

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